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Meet Brittanie

At The Learning Lamp, a commitment to providing quality learning experiences doesn’t stop with the children we serve. We’re investing in employees, as well, helping them earn degrees
and grow professionally.

IMG-3774_EDITMeet Brittanie. She’s the acting director of The Learning Lamp’s Before and After School Program at Jackson Elementary School. While working in the school-age care program, Brittanie realized teaching was her true calling. That led her to pursue a degree in Early Childhood Education. Help from The Learning Lamp and the T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Scholarship program make going to school so affordable that she’ll be able to graduate without any debt. That’s an accomplishment in this day and age!

Brittanie is thankful to have a great support system at The Learning Lamp and the opportunity to learn through the experience she gets on the job. One day, Brittanie hopes to have her own classroom in an elementary school.

This story is not uncommon at The Learning Lamp, where several employees alone have earned or are working on degrees with tuition assistance. Many more have gotten their Child Development Associate (CDA). Investing in our employees is not only good for them, but also increases the quality of care for the children we serve. That’s a win-win!