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Prevention Programs

Our prevention specialists work with public and private schools throughout south central Pennsylvania to implement research-based substance use prevention, family-strengthening, and mental wellness peer-support programs with fidelity and flexibility.

Programs are free to schools, aligned with PA Academic Standards in multiple subject areas and specially designed to help curb drug and alcohol experimentation and use, increase healthy decision-making and drug refusal skills, and build resiliency and coping skills.

Scheduling now for the 2023-24 program year!

elementary options include:

  • Too Good for Drugs, a comprehensive research-based prevention program is age-appropriate for grades K-2 and FREE to schools in Somerset County. Ten, 45-minute sessions use loveable puppets and kid-friendly workbook activities to introduce and develop social and emotional skills for making healthy choices, building positive friendships, regulating emotions, and communicating effectively. In the youngest grades, the lessons also develop an understanding of what is healthy to put in the body and what is not. This foundation prepares students for discussions about tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use in later elementary years. Funding for Too Good for Drugs is provided by the Single County Authority for Drugs and Alcohol of Somerset County. For more information, call Lisa at 814-262-0732 x249 or email lstofko@thelearninglamp.org.

  • Bounce Back, an evidence-informed, group-based intervention for elementary students exposed to stressful and traumatic events. With nearly half of American children experiencing trauma within their families, at school, and in their communities, Bounce Back teaches younger children ways to cope with and recover from trauma so they can get back to the business of being a kid! Delivered by Master’s-level counselors, the program incorporates Cognitive Behavioral Therapy interventions. Bounce Back is FREE in 2023-24 for participants in Cambria County with funding from Cambria County Drug & Alcohol Program and Somerset County with funding from the PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency. Referrals are welcome from partner schools, mental health providers, after school providers, and other youth-serving organizations. Call Lisa at 814-262-0732 x249 or email lstofko@thelearninglamp.org.


  • Strengthening Families Program: Parents & Youth 10-14, an evidence-based parent, youth, and family skills-building program proven to prevent teen substance use, strengthen parent/youth communication skills, and increase academic success in school. SFP 10-14 was named the #1 prevention program out of 6,000 programs analyzed by the World Health Organization for long-term effects on substance use and misuse. The Learning Lamp is forming groups with partner school districts and community-based organizations in Cambria and Somerset counties for 2023-24 school year! Funding for SFP 10-14 is provided by a combination of grants from Cambria County Drug & Alcohol Program, Cambria County Children & Youth Services, and the Single County Authority for Drug and Alcohol of Somerset County. For more information, check out this video. Interested in participating in an SFP 10-14 group, call Elizabeth at 814-262-0732 x287 or email eelbayly@thelearninglamp.org.


  • ย Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS), an evidence-based program designed to reduce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety among youth that exhibit symptoms of PTSD from a wide range of trauma. The 10-session peer support group-based intervention teaches cognitive behavioral skills. Led by mental health professionals, the groups, which include 6-8 students aged 10-18, incorporate a mix of instruction, examples, and games to solidify concepts. Components include relaxation training, tools to combat negative thoughts and build social problem-solving skills. Participation in CBITS is FREE in 2023-24 to participants in Cambria County with funding from Cambria County Drug & Alcohol Program and Somerset County with funding from the PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency. Referrals are welcome from partner school districts through each district’s SAP team. Call Lisa at 814-262-0732 x249 or email lstofko@thelearninglamp.org.


  • The Blues Program, an evidence-informed, small group discussion and psycho-educational program designed to help youth in grades 9-12 experiencing depressive symptoms or who are at risk for onset of major depressive disorder. Facilitated by trained facilitators, the program includes six, one-hour or eight 45-minute sessions, plus home exercises. Students gain emotional resilience, coping skills for stress and anxiety, and the ability to plan for future challenges. Participation in The Blues Program is FREE to participants in Cambria County with funding from Cambria County Drug & Alcohol Program and in Somerset County with funding from the PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency. Referrals are welcome from partner school districts through each district’s SAP team. For more information, call Carrie at 814-262-0732 x226 or email ccurry@thelearninglamp.org.

Schedule Now

To schedule a program or for more information on The Learning Lamp’s prevention program offerings, please contact Lisa at 814-262-0732 x249 or email lstofko@thelearninglamp.org.