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Kindergarten Readiness Focus of New Screening Initiative

Posted on January 27, 2025

Johnstown, PA (January 27, 2025) – As many as 1 in 4 children experience some form of developmental delay, disorder, or disability, according to the US Office of Early Childhood Development. Yet only 20-30% will receive early screenings that connect them with the help and support they need before starting school.

Screen2Succeed is a new community-based initiative dedicated to increasing the number of children ages two to five in Cambria County who are screened for developmental progress. The campaign will work with parents to identify areas of growth, highlight strengths, and detect missed or delayed developmental milestones in young children—ensuring those who need support services are connected to those resources well in advance of kindergarten.

“Early identification and intervention are key to a child’s success,” said Nicki Sliko, Screen2Succeed program manager at The Learning Lamp. “Parents and caregivers understand their child’s development best. Screen2Succeed is free and connects parents with a well-vetted tool they can use to track their child’s developmental milestones. It also offers access to free resources to build skills and connect families to additional support services their child may need.”

Research shows that early screening and intervention are critical to improving learning outcomes. Children who receive early treatment for developmental delays are more likely to graduate from high school, hold stable jobs, live independently, and avoid difficulties as teenagers.

 Screen2Succeed uses the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3), an easy-to-use tool that parents/caregivers can complete to assess their child’s development. With just 30 questions, the ASQ-3 takes only 10-15 minutes and is proven to be one of the most accurate ways to track early childhood milestones. Best of all, Screen2Succeed is offered at no cost to families with a grant from the 1889 Foundation and Senator Wayne Langerholc.

Supported screening services include:

  • One-on-one assistance in completing the ASQ screenings
  • QR codes for easy online access
  • Free books and resources to track milestones
  • Pop-up screenings at partner organizations and around town
  • Tips for fun and easy ways to practice skills with your child

Families can schedule a screening today through The Learning Lamp or have their child screened at an in-person event. Community partners in this project include the Johnstown Housing Authority, United Way of the Southern Alleghenies Diaper Bank, and Center for Population Health. Additional community partners are welcome.

By meeting families where they are, Screen2Succeed is working to give every child the best opportunity for success in school and beyond. The initiative empowers families to take an active role in supporting their child’s development, making early intervention both accessible and effective.

“Together, we can ensure every child in Cambria County is ready for kindergarten with the foundational skills they need to be successful learners,” Sliko said.

For more information on The Learning Lamp’s Screen2Succeed program, contact Nicki at nsliko@thelearninglamp.org or visit thelearninglamp.org.

The Learning Lamp is a nonprofit organization with a mission to engage all children in the support they need to succeed. We deliver high-quality programs that are affordable and accessible to families of all income levels. In 2023, The Learning Lamp and our school-based division Ignite Education Solutions directly served 37,524 children and adults. In addition to our own program locations, we worked with 87 public and private schools in 36 Pennsylvania counties. We also supported 473 child care and community-based youth organizations with free or nearly free shared resources, positively impacting another 44,190 children statewide.

 Our programs include: child care and preschool, after-school programs, tutoring, SAT prep, school staffing, alternative education programs for at-risk students, online learning, credit recovery, drug and alcohol prevention programs, and grant writing and project consulting for schools.